(561) 558-1488
Our priority will always be the health and well being of our families, students and staff. In keeping with that priority, we’re temporarily updating our policies during this current health emergency.
Due to the fluidity of the current situation, there will likely be modifications to our policies throughout the school year. We will continue to update you with any information from health authorities regarding new guidelines.
Temporary Modified Hours
Monday thru Friday
7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Temporary Changes to Open Door Policy
During the current health emergency, we are modifying our open door policy and postponing family events. We hope the KidReports phone app will help parents feel connected during this time. We encourage parents to communicate with us via e-mail, phone and the KidReports app.
Updated Daily Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Until further notice, we ask that you drop-off and pick-up your child at the car line. The car line should travel facing south, with cars around the back of the school nearest the playground so we don’t disrupt traffic for our neighbors.
Car line will run from 8:00am to 9:00am and from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. If you must drop-off or pick-up outside of the car line hours, please call us to have a staff member escort your child in or out of school.
We ask that you unbuckle your child from their car seat and help them to the waiting spot until a staff member can assist your child with the following entry procedures:
Shoe and hand sanitizing.
Health and temperature screening.
Children will be required to properly wash their hands as soon as they enter the classroom.
Children will be released only to those persons listed on the enrollment form.
If there is an emergency requiring a parent to enter the facility beyond the designated drop-off and pick-up area, parents will be required to have their shoes sanitized, wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Meals & Belongings
Please pack lunch and snacks in a paper bag.
On Mondays, children should also bring a clean sheet and blanket in a clean reusable bag, these will be sent home on Fridays for laundering.
Illness Policy
Children showing any of these symptoms will not be allowed to enter or remain in school:
Fever of 100 Degrees Fahrenheit or Higher
Shortness of Breath
Loss of Taste or Smell
Sore Throat
Muscle Aches
Runny Nose
Excessively Watery Eyes or Eyes That Appear Pink or Have Any Discharge
Inflammatory Syndrome and/or Toxic Shock Syndrome Symptoms
Abdominal Pain
While we understand that many of these symptoms can also be related to non-COVID-19 related issues, we must proceed with an abundance of caution during this public health emergency. These symptoms typically appear 2-7 days after being infected so please take them seriously. Your child will need to be symptom free without any medications for 72 hours before returning to the facility.
Sick children will be isolated in the office, until picked up, to reduce potential exposure to others.
Cleaning and Hygiene
Routine cleaning and sanitizing of frequently-touched classroom surfaces such as tables, countertops and sinks.
The school maintains not one, but THREE commercial Reme Halo anti-microbial in-duct air purifiers. This hospital-grade system eliminates microbial contaminants in the air as well as on surfaces throughout the school.
We have a dedicated staff member to complete regular classroom and playground sanitization.
The entire school is professionally cleaned and sanitized every night upon closure.
Sanitizing of playground toys and equipment after every use.
Cots are assigned to a single child and labeled properly. Sheets and blankets are sent home for laundering every Friday.
More frequent and proper hand washing.
Staff will properly dispense and supervise proper use of hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content when water and soap aren’t readily available, at entrance and playground.
Staff will wear masks at all times.
Children are NOT required to wear masks.
Removal of toys and items that cannot be cleaned/sanitized daily, such as play dough and toys toddlers can easily put in their mouth.
Items that require washing, such as cloth toys and play pretend costumes, will be used for special activities and laundered after use.
Policies apply to all children and staff.
No visitors will be allowed during school hours.